Statement on Ethics (Required of All Members)
A) Raptors and the habitat used by raptors are an integral part of falconry. As such, falconers have an obligation to insure that the use of this natural resource is done with the best of stewardship practices and is thereby protected for future generations
1) The well being and future survival of wild raptor populations should not conflict with the activities of a falconer. Falconry should be governed by sound wildlife management practices.
2) Due to the high natural mortality of juvenile raptors, falconers should only obtain eyass, passage, or captive-bred raptors.
3) Falconers are obligated to maintain the physical and psychological well-being of the raptors in their possession. Injured or sick birds should receive immediate veterinary care.
4) Falconers should not possess more raptors than can be flown regularly unless they are breeding stock.
5) Preventative care should always be exercised to reduce the potentials of trauma from electrocution, collision with fences, engine exhaust, poisoning, and damage from extreme temperature.
6) Unwanted raptors should be passed on to other falconers, breeding projects, or released in accordance to a legal permit to do so.
7) Extreme efforts should be made to recapture any lost hawks.
2) Due to the high natural mortality of juvenile raptors, falconers should only obtain eyass, passage, or captive-bred raptors.
3) Falconers are obligated to maintain the physical and psychological well-being of the raptors in their possession. Injured or sick birds should receive immediate veterinary care.
4) Falconers should not possess more raptors than can be flown regularly unless they are breeding stock.
5) Preventative care should always be exercised to reduce the potentials of trauma from electrocution, collision with fences, engine exhaust, poisoning, and damage from extreme temperature.
6) Unwanted raptors should be passed on to other falconers, breeding projects, or released in accordance to a legal permit to do so.
7) Extreme efforts should be made to recapture any lost hawks.
B) Legal Obligation of Members
1) All members must practice falconry within existing laws.
2) All existing laws (provincial, national, and international) should be understood and obeyed.
3) Falconers convicted of illegal activities involving falconry or raptors should resign from all forms of falconry and membership to the NLFA.
4) Any and all knowledge of factual illegal activities concerning raptors or falconry must be reported to the authorities in a timely fashion.
5) In the effort to maintain falconry in our province in the highest of standards, members should err on the side of caution when considering if a practice ethical, moral, or legal.
2) All existing laws (provincial, national, and international) should be understood and obeyed.
3) Falconers convicted of illegal activities involving falconry or raptors should resign from all forms of falconry and membership to the NLFA.
4) Any and all knowledge of factual illegal activities concerning raptors or falconry must be reported to the authorities in a timely fashion.
5) In the effort to maintain falconry in our province in the highest of standards, members should err on the side of caution when considering if a practice ethical, moral, or legal.
C) Fair Chase
1) The Laws of Nature dictate that neither a wild raptor nor wild prey should have an unfair advantage. This should be paramount whenever practicing falconry. If this creed is maintained, the practice of falconry can never be deemed cruel or inhumane.
D) Public Displays
1) Members should consult with the NLFA Board of Directors before making any public statements or displays about falconry.
E) Sponsorship
1) Apprentices should seek sponsorship by appropriate mentors. To attempt falconry without a sponsor is un-necessary and will add hardship to the falconer, raptors in their care, and possibly the sport in general.
2) Apprentices should follow the advice of their sponsor at all times.
3) Apprentices should not undertake any new techniques, procedure or fly a raptor without consulting with their sponsor.
4) Sponsors should be uncompromisingly legal, ethical, and available to their apprentices. This requires a high degree of personal sacrifice and responsibility.
5) Sponsors should be aware of the activities of an apprentice and the condition of their raptor.
2) Apprentices should follow the advice of their sponsor at all times.
3) Apprentices should not undertake any new techniques, procedure or fly a raptor without consulting with their sponsor.
4) Sponsors should be uncompromisingly legal, ethical, and available to their apprentices. This requires a high degree of personal sacrifice and responsibility.
5) Sponsors should be aware of the activities of an apprentice and the condition of their raptor.
F) Captive Breeding and the Use of Wild Raptors in Falconry
1) The NLFA recognizes captive breeding as a means of obtaining raptors for re-population efforts, scientific research, and falconry purposes. NLFA concurs in the commercial sale of captive bred raptors by licensed breeder to licensed receivers.
2) The NLFA supports the legal taking of wild raptors for falconry purposes using methods that are deemed humane, legal, and in accordance with sound wildlife management principles. NLFA does not support the taking of wild haggard raptors, or raptors that are members of the breeding population for falconry purposes.
2) The NLFA supports the legal taking of wild raptors for falconry purposes using methods that are deemed humane, legal, and in accordance with sound wildlife management principles. NLFA does not support the taking of wild haggard raptors, or raptors that are members of the breeding population for falconry purposes.
This page and all contents are copyright, Newfoundland and Labrador Falconers Association, all rights reserved